Struggle for Justice Continues in Panama
Panamanian movements have called for the government to sit down in negotiations with the mobilized sectors and listen to their demands, People's Dispatch reports.
Panamanian movements have called for the government to sit down in negotiations with the mobilized sectors and listen to their demands, People's Dispatch reports.
In March 2020, India’s health ministry tasked 1 million Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) with COVID-19 duty in rural areas. This, in a country where 65 percent of its 1.38 billion people live outside cities. Suddenly, ASHAs’ workload increased exponentially. Yet, they remain underpaid and now suffer stress-related chronic ailments, reports Sanket Jain.
Living standards of India's working people have deteriorated because of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government's lack of sufficient policy interventions during the pandemic, People's Dispatch reports.
Buoyed by international union solidarity and hearkening to the revolutionary legacy of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haitian strikers facing state violence and lowball concessions remain undeterred, reports Frances Madeson.
The strike, which marks its 1-month anniversary today, continues unabated. It started as a response to a tax reform project that would have devastated middle- and low-income households. Yet, this is not the core of social discontent among Colombians.
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