Source Documents: Mapuche & Feminist Organizations in Chile Reject Government Agreement
Translations of statements from the Mapuche Territorial Alliance, the Koz Koz Mapuche Parliament and the 8M Feminist Coordination in Chile.
Translations of statements from the Mapuche Territorial Alliance, the Koz Koz Mapuche Parliament and the 8M Feminist Coordination in Chile.
The mass protests in Chile have made clear that the crisis is a crisis of the neoliberal economy.
The uprising in Chile is a struggle to take back our lives from the market and to recover sovereignty over our lives, our bodies, our time, and our territories.
Women from Chile are occupying education institutions in Chile and they won’t be going anywhere soon. They are demanding an end to paid education, sexual harassment, patriarchal practices, and the influence of capitalism in their universities.
Chile has a long history of student protests, normally mobilizing against the privatized education system put in place by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. What’s happening today emerges from that experience, but with feminism at its core.
The indigenous communities of southern Chile have seen the dispossession of their lands for private interests for centuries. Their resistance has been met by a systematic criminalization by the Chilean state. Recently, this long struggle entered a new phase in one struggling Mapuche community.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019