
Book Review – Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire

In Freedom Next Time, John Pilger explores five countries, exposing the contradictions between the actions viewed by the people of the land and the words of rationalization supplied by the politicians. Pilger's writing is clear and accessible, presenting a picture of people struggling against the almost overwhelming power of the global corporate elite.

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Support Toward Freedom: Spring 2007 Fund Drive

At a time when most independent media is focusing on the diverse scandals, crises and disasters in the United States, Toward Freedom remains one of the best progressive sources on international news and analysis. To keep going, we need your support. We have set an ambitious fundraising goal of $5,000 this spring. Here is an update on what we have been up to in the past year, and where we're headed.

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Toward Freedom ‘Webcam Chat’ with Bolivian activists

For Immediate Release

For info: 802-862-4929

Burlington International Website plans ‘Webcam Chat’ with Bolivian activists is pleased to invite the public to our first ever ‘webcam chat’ with our webmaster and political activists in La Paz, Bolivia. We will meet in the studio of CCTV from 7 to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, Nov. 14, and discuss, with questions and answers through an audio and visual link, the current political situation in Bolivia with our associates at a cyber cafe in La Paz, Bolivia.  Both images will be viewed on a large monitor at the CCTV studio.  read more


Bush Moves Toward Martial Law

In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law (1). It does so by revising the Insurrection Act, a set of laws that limits the President's ability to deploy troops within the United States. The Insurrection Act (10 U.S.C.331 -335) has historically, along with the Posse Comitatus Act (18 U.S.C.1385), helped to enforce strict prohibitions on military involvement in domestic law enforcement. With one cloaked swipe of his pen, Bush is seeking to undo those prohibitions.

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Toward Freedom Goes to the World Social Forum and More!

The World Social Forum is taking place this year in Caracas, Venezuela from January 24-29. The forum is an annual meeting held by activists, NGOs and social movements to coordinate world campaigns, share and refine organizing strategies, and inform each other about movements from around the world and their issues.

Toward Freedom has organized a workshop at the forum on the hopes and challenges of independent media. Participants in the panel will be Eva Golinger (Venezuelan journalist, author of "The Chavez Code"), Ben Dupuy (Co-Director, Haiti Progres newspaper), Teresa Valdez, (Cuban journalist), Scott Harris (radio producer, Between the Lines, Toward Freedom Board Member) Ben Dangl (journalist, editor,, April Howard, a Spanish teacher and writer, will work as the translator for the panel. Other people have been invited to the panel as well, we’ll let you know who they when they confirm their participation. Stay tuned for more details about when and where this panel will take places. We hope to see you there. (Email Ben(at) for more details). Here’s a description of the event: read more


Operation Latin American Freedom

Preparations are underway for renewed US militarization and intervention in Latin America. To protect its own hegemony and economic interests, the US government is using the threat of terrorism as an excuse for military operations aimed at destabilizing leftist movements and governments and securing natural resources such as oil and gas.

By focusing on social programs in education, land reform and healthcare, many of the region's new leaders have put the needs of the people ahead of the demands of multinational companies. This leftist resurgence makes corporate investors and other harbingers of the free market nervous. Recently, the Bush administration has gone to extreme measures to ensure that this leftist trend is put in check.