Month: September 2008

Russia, Georgia and The High Cost of Cheap Oil
The days when the US could kill, drill and consume its way out of crisis may have ended. That new reality is made clear by the current conflict between Russia and Georgia, which is looking more and more like one between Russia and the US. The exact moment in history marking the last gasp of the American Empire will likely be debated by historians for years. But there is little doubt that August 7, 2008 will be viewed as a turning point in that history. Georgia's invasion of South Ossetia, followed by Russia's predictable response, may have faded from the US media spotlight, but it is on the front pages of much of the international press - and for good reason.

RNC Protest Video Reports: Hundreds Arrested in Widespread Police Crackdown
After a series of "preemptive raids" were carried out by police against activists on the eve of the RNC, Amy Goodman and two other Democracy Now! Producers were arrested along with hundreds of other activists and journalists in a massive police crackdown. See ongoing updates, video reports here.

RNC Raids: Police Intimidate Community Organizers and Activists
Minneapolis, MN-At 9:17pm on August 29th, Ramsey county sheriff department entered a St Paul Convergence space for anti-RNC demonstrators, handcuffing over a hundred community members engaged in movie watching, meetings and potluck meals. Guns in hand, yelling "Get on the floor!" police attempted to preemptively prevent Republican National Convention (RNC) protests.

Breaking Out of the Empire Box
Three days after the 2008 presidential election, no matter which political party takes the White House, a convention will be held in