Month: September 2007

Burma: Love and Kindness Must Win Over Everything
The determination of Burma's Buddhist monks to bring about change non-violently in their country has awakened a civilian population long held in fear by the governing military. The monks are marching behind large banners saying "Love and Kindness must win over everything." Demonstrations have been growing in city after city as the monks have taken the leadership of protests which began in early September against the sudden rise in fuel, food, and transportation costs.

War Crimes in Somalia, Blame the White House

Hungary: Autumn of Discontent

A People’s History of Congo’s Jean-Pierre Bemba
Who is Jean-Pierre Bemba and how did he rise to power in the heart of darkness? Did Bemba order his rebel soldiers to cannibalize pygmies? What is Bemba's relationship to the competitors of George W. Bush and the friends of Bill Clinton? How is Bemba linked to blood diamonds in

An Argument for Withdrawal of All Troops from Iraq
With George Bush having General Petraeus tell him that success is possible in Iraq --"although doing so will be neither quick nor easy" -- it would appear that the U.S. is settling in for the long haul in Iraq. This situation makes Anthony Arnove's second edition of Iraq - The Logic of Withdrawal, very timely.