As UN ‘Reviews’ Presence in Afghanistan, Afghans Face More Hunger and Poverty
The number of people below the poverty line in Afghanistan has increased from 19 million in 2020 to 34 million today, reports Peoples Dispatch/Globetrotter News Service.
The number of people below the poverty line in Afghanistan has increased from 19 million in 2020 to 34 million today, reports Peoples Dispatch/Globetrotter News Service.
On January 28, the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, and Coercive Economic Measures launched at the People's Forum in New York City.
Hundreds of mostly women gathered at Washington, D.C.-based Catholic University's Maloney Hall during the first weekend of March to convene the first U.S.-based conference of an international grassroots women's alliance and help strengthen its U.S. chapter. TF editor Julie Varughese reports.
Climate change impacts and an epidemic of Lumpy skin disease killing cattle have forced many rural Indians to flee their homes in search of another source of income and take on loans for living expenses. Sanket Jain reports from the countryside of the western Indian state of Maharashtra.
Oppressed people in India have helped build the country into one of the largest sugar producers. But with that has come the bitter taste of labor-law violations and an endless loop of debt. Sanket Jain reports from the sugarcane fields of western Maharashtra.
More than 1,700 people have been killed in floods that continue to submerge parts of Pakistan. Amid this crisis, activists are demanding debt cancellation and climate reparations, reports Tanupriya Singh for Peoples Dispatch.
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