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The Risk of Change Revisited: Housing and Resistance in a Capitalist Society

"Honest hope derives from a belief that positive change is possible in the world. And we will only believe this if we experience ourselves changing. The key is risk, doing that which we thought we could not do."-Frances Moore Lappe

Hope and risk. For those of us committed to transformative change it is this combination that fuels our actions-the belief that change truly is possible and that we are willing to take risks to create a better society. But sometimes the risk is too great. All too often those actions which would accurately reflect our values are compromised or avoided simply to maintain survival. This is particularly common in situations that directly affect our lives.

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Independent News Site Makes Final Plea for Support, May Close Up Shop

One of the only reader-funded, collectively run, professional hard-news sites on the Worldwide Web says it will close its doors on Saturday, September 30 if it does not secure the funding needed to continue daily publishing.  For the past three years, The NewStandard has provided a refreshing alternative to the corporate media, fearlessly tackling the underreported, misreported, ignored and buried stories of our times, always from a public-interest perspective.

Examples of TNS original articles include: read more


A Prerequisite to Power

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country … corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."- Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864


Image from Toward Freedom’s 60th anniversary celebration in Burlington, VT

Dear TF readers and supporters – 

In the aftermath of World War II, anti-colonial movements spread throughout the world giving rise to the non-aligned movement. At the end of 1952 Bill Lloyd started a newsletter to inform readers in the US about independence movements in Africa and the non-aligned movement in general.  

William B. LLoyd, Jr.
William B. LLoyd, Jr. circa 1990

Called Toward Freedom, Lloyd’s newsletter would evolve over the next 70 years into a print magazine and then a website with the mission to publish international reporting from a grassroots perspective and incisive analysis that exposed government and corporate abuses of power, while supporting movements for universal peace, justice, freedom, the environment, and human rights. read more