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An Interview with Leang Seckon, Cambodian Freedom Artist

Source: Truthout

Leang Seckon, one of Cambodia’s foremost contemporary artists, will see his first European solo exhibition, The Heavy Skirt, opening March 31 at London’s Rossi & Rossi gallery. Unlike depictions of his homeland that you might come across in the US, Seckon’s work presents a rich and complex view of Cambodia, involving elements of performance, collage, painting and illustration. But it can be confusing, like speaking with the artist himself.

"A problem is me, not perfect English," Seckon tells me when I turn on my tape recorder. But I disagree: The problem is how rarely we take the time to listen. read more


Nelson Mandela’s Walk to Freedom Remembered

Nelson Mandela, 1937

Twenty years ago, Janey Halim was part of the ANC welcome committee gathered outside Victor Verster Prison, waiting to greet Nelson Mandela as he emerged after 27 years of confinement. “It was a beautiful morning and we all just stood there with our eyes focused on the metal gate,” she recalls. “Then the gates opened and Nelson and Winnie walked towards us. Other people were cheering but I just cried and cried.” Two decades later, Ms Halim, known to most people as Auntie Janey, decided not to attend the commemorative event at the prison marking the anniversary of Mandela’s release because she feels let down by the African National Congress (ANC). read more


Latin America Censored: Toward Freedom Editor Receives Project Censored Award

A number of recent developments have dramatically changed the military and political landscape of Latin America. While some electoral victories in Latin America signal a regional shift to the left, Washington continues to expand its military and navy presence throughout the hemisphere. This year Toward Freedom editor Benjamin Dangl received a Project Censored Award for his coverage of Washington's intervention in Latin America. Each year Project Censored selects the top 25 most important censored news stories chosen out of hundreds of articles.


Toward a Movement for Peace and Climate Justice

Complaining about the weather is about as American as apple pie, sitcoms and rock and roll. But while the rest of the world has been noticing for years that our increasingly unstable weather is an initial sign of potentially devastating global climate changes, our nation's collective heads have mostly remained in the sand. Finally, over the past year or so, things have begun to shift a little.

Protests in Nepal

Citizen Journalism in Nepal

Citizen journalism is a growing movement in Nepal. Although half of the nation lives below the poverty live, without access to clean drinking water, health care and education, there has been a significant rise in level of political consciousness among the people. This is largely due to the ten year long Maoist insurgency and emerging ethnic tensions which are both fostering the growth of citizen powered media.


Support Independent Media – Contribute to Toward Freedom!

Dear Toward Freedom Supporter,

It's a rough road in the independent media world, and it's recently gotten bumpier. Corporate media has become even more centralized with the purchase of The Wall Street Journal by Rupert Murdoch.  New FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has promised to bring about a drastic relaxation of media ownership regulations in the coming months. Meanwhile, a handful of leading progressive publications closed down last year for financial reasons. It's now more important than ever to support the independent media you rely on for progressive news you don't hear from the mainstream.