Mangrove forest in the Nusa Lembongan island in Indonesia / credit: Joel Vodell on Unsplash

Corporations & Governments Team Up to Save Tropical Forests, Leaving Out Indigenous Voices

More than 10.3 million acres of primary tropical forests—spanning about the size of Belgium—went up in flames in 2020. A new coalition claims it will mobilize $1 billion to thwart global climate change’s increasingly devastating forest fires. But scientists and other experts have raised doubts about this new program corporations and governments have kicked off.

A demonstration in front of Sydney Town Hall in support of Julian Assange, held on December 10, 2010 / Wikipedia/Elekhh

A Day in the Death of British Justice

WikiLeaks has given us real news about those who govern us and take us to war, not the preordained, repetitive spin that fills newspapers and television screens. This is real journalism; and for the crime of real journalism, Julian Assange has spent most of the past decade in one form of incarceration or another, including Belmarsh prison, a horrific place.

Midwifery students in Afghanistan / credit: United Nations

A Viable—and Perhaps the Only—Path to Lasting Peace in Afghanistan

Editor's Note: The Taliban victory over the weekend and the evacuation of U.S. nationals cries out for context. That is why Toward Freedom is publishing this article that was submitted prior to the weekend's events. "Women are more mobilized, but they are not a powerful social movement. Afghanistan’s more liberal and left social forces are active underground and are not an organized force. These forces include the educated sections, who do not want extremist groups to drag the country into another proxy war. That proxy war would be between the Taliban, the U.S.-backed government in Kabul, and other militant groups that are no less dangerous than the Taliban or the U.S. government."