Mongolian Mining Boom Threatens Traditional Herding
The continuing evolution of herding away from subsistence livelihoods, combined with the presence of mega-mines, is leading pastoralism into an uncharted future.
The continuing evolution of herding away from subsistence livelihoods, combined with the presence of mega-mines, is leading pastoralism into an uncharted future.
The surveillance industry sees us as little more than raw materials.
This is the music that gets us through the day, especially those long days involving too much computer and not enough pets.
The climate strike in Atascadero, a relatively quiet city of just over 30,000 outside of San Luis Obispo, California, was a fascinating and beautiful sight.
International campaign rallies allow Modi to be seen by viewers in India in as positive a light as possible.
Activists in Burlington bring attention to big energy, promise further resistance.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019