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Nuclear Dual Standards

The US administration’s double standards in dealing with the intensifyingnuclear crisis in North Korea further strengthens the argument thatPresident George W Bush’s colonial designs are either exasperated by thevulnerability of his foes or deterred by their lethal preparedness.

Considering the US-North Korea protracted standoff, one can only imagine howfoolishly disposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein must now feel that hedidn’t pursue a more determined programme of weapons of mass destruction.Even if one would accept Iran‘s claims that its nuclear programme isconstructed for peaceful purposes, one has to wonder if Iranian PresidentMahmoud Ahmadinejad is willing to reconsider the overriding intent of hisnuclear ambitions.  read more

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Housing Watchdogs Call Post-Katrina Ordinance ‘Racist’

Source: NewStandardNews

Outraged by a controversial local ordinance, civil-rights activists say that although Hurricane Katrina wiped out just about everything in Louisiana’s St. Bernard Parish, a legacy of segregation clings stubbornly to the community’s racial landscape.

In a 5-2 vote last month, the St. Bernard Parish Council passed an ordinance that would restrict owners of single-family residences from entering into rental arrangements with anyone except "blood relatives." Renting such dwellings to anyone else would require special approval by the Council. Owners and occupants who violate the ordinance would be subject to fines and civil penalties. read more

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Announcing the Dave Dellinger Essay Contest

Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger: The Necessity of Creative Nonviolence in Our World Today

The War Resisters League, in conjunction with its First Annual David Dellinger Lecture Series on Nonviolence, announces a student essay contest. Students, aged high school - 22, are asked to write no more than a 1,000-word essay on "Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger: the Necessity of Creative Nonviolence in Our World Today." The Dellinger lecture, which will feature author and social historian Staughton Lynd, will take place on October 19, 2006 in New York City.

Robin and her son, Jesse

Visit to a Prison within a Prison

Robin and her son, Jesse
Robin Lloyd, videographer, peace activist and chair of the Toward Freedom board, recently spent three months in prison for 'crossing the line' (committing civil disobedience) at the School of the Americas (renamed WHINSEC - Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation) ) at Fort Benning, Georgia. She says "the setting of the Danbury Prison Camp in rural Connecticut is beautiful, the food was OK, and meeting a lot of new people was enlightening, but encountering the prison-industrial complex up close and personal was awesomely upsetting.