HEALTHThese are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.

Mind Games
Are cyberspace and psychiatric drugs messing with our heads?
HEALTHThese are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.
Are cyberspace and psychiatric drugs messing with our heads?
Source: Al Jazeera
Cannabis is California’s number one cash crop. This fall, voters will decide whether or not to fully legalize the drug and transform US drug policy.
The implications are huge if it passes. It will have a profound effect on the state’s struggling economy, the overburdened criminal justice system and even the raging drug war in neighboring Mexico that has claimed nearly 30,000 lives.
In the meantime, no politicians running for statewide office are supporting the measure. What does that say about the politics of cannabis?
Nurses around the United States are standing up for themselves and their patients, both through local labor disputes and the strengthening of a new national union. The Real News looks into the new union, a labor victory in Philadelphia, and a looming strike in Washington, DC.
Produced by Jesse Freeston.
As in most other areas of the world, Hungarians feel that the H1N1 virus is nothing more than a scare campaign in order to help generate profits for multinational pharmaceutical corporations. Sadly, this view is often reinforced by some sobering facts.
The battle for health care reform is heating up in Congress. The House has already passed one bill, and the Senate is debating another version. But as Dr. Andy Coates explains, both bills will fail in solving the health care crisis--and, in fact, place a greater financial burden than ever on working people.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019