
A Meeting of Minds

Feeling depressed? Downhearted? Demoralized? Terrorized? Isolated? Take one copy of "The Quotable Rebel" and call me in the morning. This new anthology of "political quotations for dangerous times" contains wisdom as old as the hills and as current as a sign declaring "Arms Are for Hugging".  Its editor, Teishan Latner, a 28-year-old Philadelphia-based activist, takes his responsibility seriously. He infuses his choices with all the global awareness and urgent energy of his generation located in the 'belly of the beast' in a time of war. A radical egalitarian, he mines this tradition, emphasizing the voices of first world peoples and the living.  In this process, on subjects ranging from technology to food, animal rights to empire, work, life, death, law, and revolution, spirited exchanges arise.

No Picture

Toward a Realistic Anti-War Strategy

The use of the word "victory" fifteen times in President Bush's brief address in Annapolis, Maryland on November 30th was due to the influence of his NSC special advisor "Dr. Weaver," a scientist whose research on public opinion about the Iraq War has established that Americans will support such a war with mounting casualties on condition they believe it will ultimately succeed.

Robin Lloyd

Taking on Torture

Robin Lloyd
For years, Vermont filmmaker and activist Robin Lloyd has traveled throughout Latin America, observing firsthand the death and destruction left behind by U.S.-bred military policies promoting counterinsurgencies. More recently, she has been traveling the world as part of the Women's International League of Peace and Freedom, and continues to work as a filmmaker and publisher of Toward Freedom, a progressive-minded, international public affairs website. On Nov. 20, she took her longstanding opposition to U.S. policies of torture and became one of 40 people arrested at an annual protest against the U.S. Army's Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), and expects to serve at least three months in a federal prison as a result and pay a fine of up to $5,000.


An Interview with 9/11 Truth Activist Carol Brouillet

A co-founder of both the International Media Project, Making Contact alternative media group and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, Carol Brouillet is one of the most energetic, creative and politically productive West Coast-based anti-war activists.

Toward Freedom: Since October 2001, you've been organizing weekly "Listening For Peace" anti-war protests in Downtown Palo Alto, California. In what various ways have people in Palo Alto responded to your weekly "Listening For Peace" actions during the last four years?

Noam Chomsky

Social Change Today: An Interview with Noam Chomsky

Steven Durel: Professor Chomsky, for forty years now you have been a leading voice in political action and social justice. After this near half-century of participation in the libertarian movement, how have things changed?

Noam Chomsky: Change is never linear. It goes forward in some respects, backwards in others. Just to take the positive side, there has been a very substantial increase in the general level of civilization of society, and we see that in dimension after dimension. Concern for human rights has increased enormously and has many components. Women's rights, for example, are protected way beyond what was true forty years ago. Minority rights are far more protected, though there is plenty distance to go.