
‘No Good News’ On Climate Change Front

An article recently appeared in the journal Science that bore the title "Projections of Climate Change Go From Bad to Worse, Scientists Report." The details in the article confirm that this title is, if anything, an understatement. As University of Copenhagen biological oceanographer Katherine Richardson warned "there's no good news."


Global Warming: Looming Disasters and What Needs to Be Done

It is well-established that global warming will, among other consequences, alter rainfall patterns around the world and raise sea level substantially. Estimates are that altered rainfall will bring droughts to the US southwest, southern Europe, northern Africa, and western Australia, comparable to those that caused the devastating 1930s Dust Bowl in the United States. The rising sea level will inundate low-lying islands and continental shorelines.


Wildfires and the Economic Woes of Global Warming

California Fire
The combination of increasing temperatures and dry conditions predicted for some areas suggest that there will be more wildfires and they will be of longer duration. This will require increasing expense both to control the fires and to repair the damage they do. There's convincing evidence that this trend, increases in both frequency and duration of wildfires, is well underway.


The Global Battle Against Noise Pollution

Plane Over London Neighborhood
Until a few decades ago noise was seen as no more than a nuisance of modern urban life. Then research began to show that loud, but not uncommon, noise could damage hearing. And numerous studies indicated that many widespread sources of sound near schools impaired children's ability to learn. More recently the World Health Organization (WHO), using data from pioneer studies done in several European countries, including Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, has demonstrated that noise can be a major killer.

Photo by Giuseppe Bizzarri

Profit Over Food: The Root Causes of the Global Food Crisis

Food Aid Arrives in Haiti
The story of rising food prices around the world, and the hunger and unrest it is producing, has been widely reported in the mainstream media. Yet rarely is there any serious analysis to find the cause of the crisis. At best it's assumed, based on past experience, that the cause is temporary, the crisis can be eased by increasing food aid and by taking steps to restore production. However, the causes of the present crisis are not temporary.

Photo from

The Final Frontier: Washington Prepares for Arms Race in Space

This past fall humanity celebrated the golden anniversary of the Space Age, as measured by the launch into orbit by the Soviet Union of the first Earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik I, on October 1 1957. Today that stunning technical achievement has become routine. More than 4,500 satellites have been launched into orbit and more than 850 of them still operate. Private companies now launch satellites, as do a large numbers of countries. Less well known is the attempt to put weapons in space.