Month: May 2008

Politics in Kenya: A Look at Prime Minister Raila Odinga

Zimbabwe in Context
The post election crisis in Zimbabwe is a manifestation of much deeper, complex issues to do with global capitalism and its vampire-like tendencies. At the root of the problems is the failure of our nationalist governments to deal with these dimensions of the global crisis: food shortages and price hikes; oil speculation; financial meltdowns and higher interest rates. It is only by addressing these issues that we can meet the aspirations of the masses for freedom and decent lives.

Citizen Nader: From Prophet to Punch Line
When Ralph Nader announced his fourth bid for the US presidency on NBC in February 2004, shortly after Howard Dean's insurgent Democratic campaign imploded, he described his goal as building a "second front" in the fight to defeat George W. Bush. "Can we tolerate four more years of Bush," he asked rhetorically, answering with a no. In a June letter to contributors, he wrote, "No one wants to defeat George W. Bush more than I do."

Zimbabwe Elections: Hopes, Contradictions and Opportunities

Momentum: Acting Like the President
A highly ambitious Congresswoman (Michelle Pfeiffer), a tough-as-nails ex-warrior (Laurence Fishburne), and a charismatic young turk (Ben Affleck) are fighting for the presidential nomination. Sound vaguely familiar? It's Momentum II, a better-than-the-real-thing political thriller that answers the question: Just how far will candidates go to get elected?