UN Tackles Obstetric Problem in Developing Countries
"I have to put on heavy clothes. There are painful blisters and itching. I must continue working which causes more dribbling of urine. Nobody wants to stay with me because of the smell."
"I have to put on heavy clothes. There are painful blisters and itching. I must continue working which causes more dribbling of urine. Nobody wants to stay with me because of the smell."
"A Prince cannot avoid ingratitude." -Machiavelli, Discourses, Book I, Chapter 29
"Pursuant to my authority as Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), relevant UN Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 1483 (2003), and the laws and usages of war, I hereby promulgate the following: The CPA is vested with all executive, legislative, and judicial authority necessary to achieve its objectives . . . This authority shall be exercised by the CPA Administrator." -Coalition Provisional Authority (Iraq), Regulation Number 1
From a speech given in Gainesville, Florida, August 5, 2006
Thank you all for coming out today. It’s a real treat to be back in Gainesville talking about the Weather Underground, because this is the place where my book on the group began. This is also the place where my understanding of and involvement in the U.S. radical legacy didn’t start but did take shape. So it is wonderful to be here today with people who were and are my friends and mentors, in and out of the classroom. In particular, I want to thank the Civic Media Center and all connected to it, for providing not just a space but a home for so many wonderful ideas, projects, and people. And I want to thank professor Louise Newman, whose support, encouragement, and brilliance are responsible for a lot of things for a lot of people, not least of which was the initial push for me to write this book.
Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger: The Necessity of Creative Nonviolence in Our World Today
The War Resisters League, in conjunction with its First Annual David Dellinger Lecture Series on Nonviolence, announces a student essay contest. Students, aged high school - 22, are asked to write no more than a 1,000-word essay on "Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger: the Necessity of Creative Nonviolence in Our World Today." The Dellinger lecture, which will feature author and social historian Staughton Lynd, will take place on October 19, 2006 in New York City.
In this interview, Raúl Zibechi discusses the challenges of the Evo Morales administration in Bolivia, the power and role of Bolivian social movements, projects for regional integration such as People's Trade Agreement and the Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America and the region's new situation after the electoral victories of various "progressive" governments.
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