
The Profits of War: Reconstruction in Iraq

From the beginning, the war in Iraq was meant to be a swift and relatively inexpensive operation. The Pentagon, particularly Donald Rumsfeld, envisioned a targeted bombing campaign followed by a trim, invading ground force, which in combination would "shock and awe" Iraq into surrender. The White House estimated the cost of the war would range from $50 billion to $200 billion. The expectations of both Rumsfeld and the White House have turned out to be highly miscalculated.


There IS Such a Thing as a Free Lunch in Buenos Aires

The afternoon sun shines on the narrow strip of Puerto Madero, a trendy Buenos Aires, Argentina neighborhood situated near the banking district's sky scrapers. Tourists stroll down cobble stone streets, admiring a bank-sponsored art exhibit of decorated cow statues.  Argentines with money to burn sip lattes on shaded patios. At first glance, the prosperity is overwhelming. Yet in Buenos Aires, particularly since Argentina's financial collapse at the end of 2001, poverty and wealth have become unlikely neighbors.