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Prison Nation 12/01

Driven by fear, the US has surrendered to “carceral Keynsianism”

And, to a degree, it’s true: The country does have a phenomenal number of murders and murderers, gangsters, mercenary drug pushers, kidnappers, rapists, and armed robbers. Arguably, since the very birth of the nation – complete with the roving gangs of brigands in Appalachia and privateers off the Atlantic seaboard – it always has had. And, like all things American, violence here, whether it be the gang violence associated with illegal drugs, or the urban upheavals of the rioting poor, happens on an epic scale. At the height of the crack wars of the 80s, more than 25,000 people were being killed annually. Parts of inner-city Los Angeles, Washington, Detroit, New Orleans, New York, Chicago, and several other cities, are, indeed, virtual war zones. read more

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In Bad Company 12/01

How US criminal “justice” stacks up with the rest of the world

Execution of children, sub-human prison conditions, sexual abuse of women prisoners, the economic exploitation of prisoners, brutal incarceration of refugees – these are some of the human rights violations for which the US regularly takes the moral high ground and condemns other countries. But since the 1990s, much to Uncle Sam’s discomfort, critics have charged that the self-proclaimed arbiter of the world’s moral standards has no business criticizing other countries about the abysmal state of their prison systems while its own laws and criminal justice practices remain out of line with recognized international humans rights standards. read more

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It’s About ‘Time’

Bringing Justice to Vermont Prisons 
February 16, 2002, Burlington, Vermont


Many Vermonters have been concerned about our criminal justice system, which, although better than some, nevertheless has many problems. The last few years have given rise to several citizens’ groups that are dealing with issues like poor health and mental well-being care; transferring prisoners out of state; probation, parole and the furlough system; unfair sentences; behavioral treatment; sexual abuse; lack of meaningful rehabilitation; high telephone and commissary costs; and other policies that unnecessarily cut prisoners off from relatives, friends, and the outside world. Bringing together prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families, students, professionals, and activists from around the state, this conference took a hard and honest look at Vermont’s prison system, and explored the potential for improvement. Conferees also heard from those with direct experience, and work toward a united response. read more

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In less than a year, the Alliance for Prison Justice (APJ) has established a statewide network of concerned citizens, professionals, ex-prisoners, family members, and like-minded groups. In addition, it has enhanced communication about changes in Vermont Dept. of Corrections policy, promoted broader participation in hearings, sponsored public events, brought together people living or working near prison facilities, and staged a successful conference.

In hopes of promoting closer cooperation and effective action between groups already addressing specific prison-related issues, APJ was founded in 2001 out of planning meetings organized by Toward Freedom, an educational non-profit organization based in Vermont. Looking beyond official pronouncements, a Coordinating Committee (CC) began to discuss the concrete problems faced by prisoners and their families, and consider potential solutions. Among other things, we concluded that effective independent oversight should be one of the main priorities. read more

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Peltier’s Message: Enough Is Enough 6/02

The following message from Native American leader Leonard Peltier, who has been in prison for25 years for a crime he didn’t commit, was read at the Feb. 16 prison justice conference.

I want to commend you for attending this important conference, and for your good work to build a movement to expose and deconstruct the policies, practices, and abuses that are resulting in an overwhelming imprisonment of poor people, youth, and people of color. In the history of this country, episodes of racism and human rights abuses have played out in different ways, all of which are condemned in hindsight, with many wondering how such abuse could have been allowed. Whether it be genocide of First Nations peoples, slavery, segregation, COINTELPRO, or Japanese concentration camps, few Americans today would say that any of these were right and just. read more

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Focusing on Vermont Prisons 6/02

The need to share problems and solutions about Vermont’s criminal justice system became the inspiration for an all-day event, “It’s About Ă”Time’: Bringing Justice to Vermont Prisons,” held on Feb. 16 at a public school in Burlington’s Old North End. The event exceeded expectations: At least 200 people took part, attending 12 workshops and afternoon plenary sessions that featured Vermont lawmakers and experts on citizen oversight. TF was a key sponsor. read more