A Ukrainian delegation arrived on February 28 in Belarus for a round of talks with Russia / credit: Sergei Kholodilin/BelTA/TASS

Ukraine: A Conflict Soaked in Contradictions and New Patterns in War and Media

Even as we deplore the violence and the loss of life in Ukraine resulting from the Russian intervention (and the neofascist violence in the Donbass), it is valuable to step back and look at how the rest of the world may perceive this conflict, starting with the West’s ethnocentric interest in an attack whose participants and victims they believe they share aspects of identity with—whether related to culture, religion, or skin color, writes Vijay Prashad.

Azov Battalion volunteers in Kyiv, Ukraine / credit: EPA/TASS/Sergey Dolzhenko

Ukraine: The Tip of the Spear for the Imperialist Project

The accelerated drive to militarization and war by the United States and its allies that is dramatically unfolding with the crisis in Ukraine might very easily escalate to the point that it could threaten global humanity. In their mad drive to advance their geostrategic interests to the detriment of everyone else—the Democratic Party version of “America First”—the Biden administration willfully violates all of the core principles of international relations and law, says Ajamu Baraka.

Israeli artillery firing into Gaza on May 18 / credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

Can Israel Stop the World from Saying ‘Apartheid’? Concealing the Suffering in Palestine

A telegram warned Israeli diplomats that, in the upcoming 49th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which is expected to begin on February 28, a report will be tabled regarding Israel’s 2021 bombing of Gaza. This report will apparently use the word “apartheid” to refer to Israel’s occupation of the Palestinians, according to the telegram, writes Vijay Prashad.

Proud Boys in MAGA hats at a neo-Confederate rally in 2019 / credit: Anthony Crider / Flickr

Left-Right White Solidarity Basis of Support for U.S./EU/NATO Wars on Global Humanity

The apparent incapacity of white leftists to understand the cultural and ideological impact of white supremacy and its powerful effect on their own consciousness has weakened and deformed left analysis of U.S. and European foreign policy initiatives, resulting in the U.S. and European left taking political positions that either objectively champion U.S./NATO imperialist aggression or provide tacit support for that aggression though silence, writes Ajamu Baraka.