Bringing It All Back Home: The Politics of the New Imperialism
U.S. interventions in Latin America have served as the training grounds for White House military theorists to practice their imperial designs on the rest of the world.
U.S. interventions in Latin America have served as the training grounds for White House military theorists to practice their imperial designs on the rest of the world.
October 7th was supposed to be a day of celebration for the Virgin of Rosario, the patron saint of miners. Yet events in Huanuni delayed the festival interminably.
The neighborhood of El 23 de Enero is like many improvised neighborhoods in Caracas clinging to the hillsides of the city; multi-colored apartments made of brick and cement were stacked on top of each other forming labyrinth-like alleyways and streets. One of many barrios in Caracas, the community was self-assembled by immigrants from the countryside, most of whom began by squatting land on the hills outside the center of the city, and assembling houses next to and on top of each other.
Thailand's Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) was recently assigned the task of repatriating 4,500 ethnic Hmong living in Phetchabun province-and they were told by caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible. Unfortunately, in this case, a 'quick fix' just isn't feasible.
After difficult negotiations regarding the composition and command of an expanded Unifil to guard south Lebanon and to consolidate a fragile cease-fire, at the end of August, the UN Security Council voted on resolution 1706 to constitute a 22,500 member UN peacekeeping force - mostly military with some additional civilian police - for Darfur, Sudan.
Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger: The Necessity of Creative Nonviolence in Our World Today
The War Resisters League, in conjunction with its First Annual David Dellinger Lecture Series on Nonviolence, announces a student essay contest. Students, aged high school - 22, are asked to write no more than a 1,000-word essay on "Following in the Footsteps of David Dellinger: the Necessity of Creative Nonviolence in Our World Today." The Dellinger lecture, which will feature author and social historian Staughton Lynd, will take place on October 19, 2006 in New York City.
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