
The Crisis in US Media and the Growing Movement for Media Democracy

As corporate media in the US continues to distort the news, misinform the public and ignore important stories, a growing independent media movement has provided an alternative space for investigation, analysis and discussion of the news. Listen to this online recording of a panel of journalists and activists at the US Social Forum discussing the successes and challenges of the current independent media movement in the US. Speakers on this panel include Scott Harris, Nate Jones, Jen Angel, Elizabeth DiNovella and Michael Albert.


Who Controls Media Today and How the People Can Take it Back

Most progressives already know that the nation's media is in the hands of the few, the rich, the white, and the male. We know that local control of the airwaves and newspapers is as rare as a "fair and balanced" Fox news report, and as tenuous as Cheney's stuttering heart. We know that to create any lasting and systemic social change - out with the old, in with the bold - we must take back the media that we've lost.

Pinochet and Videla

Argentina’s Bonfire of Memory

Pinochet and Videla
Guitar strumming and singing starts and stops with the passage of wine and steak. The gaiety of this party in Argentina is in contrast with the topic of conversation. Some of the partygoers are sons and daughters of dissidents persecuted in the dictatorship and they talk about disappearances and torture as if it all took place yesterday. The past keeps seeping into view, like the persistent smoke from the barbecue.