old europe draft
Russia’s New Time Bomb — AIDS (NB:11/97)
Russia’s New Time Bomb — AIDS (NB:11/97)
Singapore: Who Said Sovereignty? (NB:2/97)
Bangkok: Restless Tigers (NB:2/97)
Shenzhen: Striking Out on Flesh Trade (NB:3/97)
Islamabad: From Dracula to Jinnah (NB:5/97)
Bangkok: Sweatshop Barbie (NB:6/97)
Tokyo: Nuclear Doubts (NB:6/97)
Hong Kong: China’s Army Prepares to Rule (NB:6/97)
Singapore: Runnin’ with the Homeboys (NB:8/97)
China Goes Private (NB:11/97)
What the Tigers Teach, Cameron Doudu (2/98)
Australian Apartheid (NB:2/98)
Slouching Toward Disaster, Greg Guma (1/98)
India and Pakistan Move Closer to Destruction (6/98)
Disney Does Krishna (6/98)
Invisible Guerrillas (6/98)
Asia Goes Mad (8/98)
Education for Sale (8/98)
Thailand’s Sex Trade (11/98)
Indonesia: Talk is Cheap (NB: 11/98)
Pakistan: Governing by Distraction (NB: 11/98)
Tibet: Spiritual Showdown (NB: 11/98)
Thailand: Celluloid Black Out (NB: 12/98)
Hong Kong: An Island Divided (NB: 12/98)
Prostitution: The Harsh Realities (NB: 3/99)
Indonesia’s Autonomy Card (NB:6/99)
Nepal: Community Radio (NB: 8/99)
TIbet: China Crackdown (NB: 8/99)
Conflict in Bangladesh (NB:9/99)
Sleepless in Japan (NB:9/99)
Betrayal in East Timor (11/99)
Conflict in Kashmir (11/99)
Communist Comeback (11/99)
Secret Timor Training (NB:11/99)
Malaysia’s Opposition (NB:11/99)
Asia on the Brink: Behind the India-Pakistan Showdown (11/99)
Armenia vs. Azerbaijan (NB:12/99)
Timor Cover Up (12/99)
Central Asia Elections (NB:3/00)
Timor Repression Leads to the Top (NB:3/00)
Phillippines: Farmers Say No to GM Corn (NB: 5/00)
Funding Terror In East Timor (6/00)
East Timor: Repatriation Delayed (NB:6/00)
India’s Holy Wars (8/00)
Demilitarizing Okinawa (9/00)
Okinawa Troop Crimes (NB:9/00)
Indonesia: Militias and Aid (NB:11/00)
Sri Lanka: Monks Fight for Religion (NB:11/00)
India: Supremes Fast Track Mega-Dam (NB:11/00)
Vietnamese Win Highway Battle (NB: 1/01)
Muzzling Nepal’s Indy Radio Surge (NB: 3/01)
Banning Enlightenment (5/01)
East Timor May Hit the Jackpot (NB:5/01)
Powell Brokering Axeri Oil Deal (NB:5/01)
Sri Lanka: Children and Porn (NB:6/01)
Timor Secures Undersea Windfall (NB: 8/01)
Kashmir: No Paradise for Women (NB: 8/01)
India: Big Ma Attacks (NB:12/01)
Uzbek Dictator Gets a US Pass (NB: 12/01)
Nepal: Military may have role in the murder of Birendra (08/01)
Nepal’s Convenient Emergency (03/02)
Burmese Junta Stalls on Reform (02/02)
US Goes Long in Central Asia (02/02)
Tajik Drug Trade Makes a Comeback (NB:11/02)
Shock and Awe: Corporate Tie Ins (NB: Spring 03)
Microedit: Small is Liberating (06/02)
PAKISTAN: Identity Crisis, by Nafisa Hoodbhoy (06/03)
East Timor Trials (09/03)
Caspian Pipeline Troubles (NB: 12/03)
Diego Garcia: Airbase Exiles (NB: 12/03)
Burma: A necessary revolution is gaining momentum (09/03)
Green Light for Caspian Pipeline (NB: Spring 04)
Nepal’s Maoists Gain Ground (NB:06/04)
Laureates Appeal to Burma (NB: 06/04)
Afghanistan Poppy Update (NB:06/04)
This section is a reorganization of the articles previous published in back issues by topics. Please browse the topics and click on the articles you would like to read.
Dave Dellinger: Loving to the Full, Rod MacIver (5/97)
Goodbye Ginsberg, Roy Morrison (Poem:5/97)
Cleaning Up the Apparel Trade, Bjorn Skorpen Claeson (6/97)
Criminalizing Food Not Bombs, Jenna E. Ziman (6/97)
Making More Voices Heard, Greg Guma (Editorial:8/97)
Socialist Scholars (NB:8/97)
A Gospel of Resistance, Philip Berrigan (11/97)
The War Comes Home, Greg Guma (2/98)
A Letter from Dave Dellinger (5/98)
Homelessness: Street Fight, Jennafer Waggoner (5/98)
Helping Hand for Chiapas Farmers (NB: 5/98)
TV Exposes Assassin School (NB: 5/98)
Diana Nomad: Leaving with Grace (NB: 6/98)
Making Changes: Street Fight (6/98)
Okinawa’s Voice for Peace (8/98)
Delays Endanger Landmine Ban (NB: 8/98)
Real Small Soldiers (NB: 8/98)
Editorial: The Human Right to Life (11/98)
Support Builds for Debt Cancellation (NB: 11/98)
Editorial: Alternative Media Education (12/98)
Another Countdown for Mumia (NB: 12/98)
Activists Online (7/99)
Leonard Peltier Update(8/99)
How you can help take the US and NATO to court (8/99)
War Crimes Tribunal (8/99)
Dave Dellinger’s Diary (8/99)
Responding to Kosovo (9/99)
Name that War Criminal (9/99)
Mumia Awareness (9/99)
Peltier Near Death (8/99)
Jubilee 2000 (6/99)
HRW Frees Kids (NB:9/99)
Imprisoned at Three (NB:9/99)
Meet Lori Berenson (9/99)
Tobacco in the Kitchen (NB:9/99)
Clown Conversion (NB:12/99)
Gun Barrel Politics (NB:12/99)
The Peace of Peace (3/00)
Biodevestation (3/00)
Targeting the IMF/World Bank (3/00)
The Non-Violent Army (5/00)
Rethinking Cuba (NB: 5/00)
The Pentagon’s Vaccine Mutiny (6/00)
Support Grows for Transaction Tax (NB:6/00)
IMF: Prague Protests (NB:6/00)
Human Development Facts (6/00)
Millennium Mobilization (6/00)
International Criminal Court (8/00)
Aliance Targets Olympic Issue (NB:8/00)
Rethinking Human Rights (11/00)
Peltier Clemency Campaign (11/00)
Bernie Sanders on Ending Child Labor (3/00)
Peter Clavelle on Building Sustainability (3/00)
A Small Step for Hawai’ian Rights (NB:11/00)
Peltier Speaks: houghts on a pardon denied (3/01)
The Neutron Key to Mine Removal (NB: 5/01)
Debt Relief: Rogue Financial FUnds (NB:6/01)
Pentagon Develops "People Zapper" (NB:6/01)
Reflections on Porto Alegre (3/01)
Witness for Peace: Dave Dellinger on Non-violence (3/01)
The Vermont Way Jeffords leaves the Republican Party (6/01)
Human Rights For Sale (8/01)
Dave Dellinger: Gala Celebration, October 20, in Vermont
War Crimes Court Hangs on Funding (NB: 8/01)
US Prison Labor Update (NB: 8/01)
Non-Aligned Movement Loses Summit Site (NB:12/01)
Peace Institute Silences Dissent (NB: 12/01)
Aussey Strongman Plays Race Card (NB: 12/01)
Dave Dellinger discusses the Weather Underground (12/01)
Elizabeth Peterson unmasks the weaknesses of rehab (12/01)
The Dellinger Gala: Celebrating Nonviolent Action (12/01)
View from Durban: reports on the World Conference on Racism
Losing the Real Battles (12/01)
Arab Reality Check (12/01)
Civil Liberties at Risk (03/02)
Commentary: Outmaneuvering the WTO (03/02)
Dellinger Takes on ACLU (03/02)
Dramatizing Repression, excerpt from The Inquisition (03/02)
Vermont: Sympathy for the Prisoners (03/02)
Next Steps: Action for Prison Justice (03/02
Repression Goes Local (6/02)
Hope Editorial (6/02)
Stonewalling the ICC (11/02)
US: Attitudes Shift on Crime and Punishment (NB:11/02)
Any Excuse for Arms Will Do (NB: 11/02)
IRAQ, Is Take a Stand, by Tod Ensign (03/03)
Einstein’s Legacy, by Albert Huebner (03/03)
Iraq: Targeting Profiteers (09/03)
Visions for 2020 (09/03)
US: Challenging Patriot (09/03)
Prison Justice Alliance Takes Shape (09/03)
Making Waves: Network News (09/03)
Accent on Diversity: 2003 Report (12/03)
Gray clouds sweep over the mountains around Blantyre, Malawi, bringing raindrops that tap at the windows of the men's ward in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Inside, a young man sheepishly removes his shirt as a doctor and two medical students arrive at his bed. A brief exam reveals thrush, shingles, and wasting, and the med students diagnose a classic case of HIV. The doctor, Claire Scarborough, nods in agreement. Later, she estimates that 80 percent of the patients are HIV-positive. Many of them look young.
George W. Bush's decision to unilaterally invade Iraq in March 2003 has placed a severe strain on the US military. The Army currently has almost half of its 32 combat brigades deployed there, with two more assigned to Afghanistan. This means that three-quarters of its forces are either committed to combat zones or recuperating from recent combat.
A smooth black highway snakes leisurely through the banana and palm covered mountains just outside San Salvador's city limits, its four lanes immune to the deep valleys and jagged cliffs that line its shoulders. A steady stream of heavy tractor-trailers and shiny SUVs in the left lane celebrate the asphalt's miraculous triumph over the jungle as they hurtle effortlessly between volcanoes.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019