Activists in Australia March with Aboriginal Flag

Australian Government Intervenes in Aboriginal Communities

Activists in Australia March with Aboriginal Flag
On July 1st, 2007, Australia's Federal government sent police and military personnel into Aboriginal communities in northern Australia to combat high levels of child sexual abuse. Policing combined with alcohol bans and welfare restrictions constitute a short-sighted intervention that ignores the root causes of social dysfunction among historically oppressed people.

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New Hampshire: A Report from the Streets and Campaign Offices on Primary Day

On January 8, primary election day in Claremont, New Hampshire, hundreds of campaign signs flapped in the wind, toppling over in snow banks as the sun grew warmer. Competing canvassers zigzagged through neighborhoods while volunteers made countless phone calls from campaign offices. Early polls before primary day pointed to a landslide victory for Barack Obama, but Hillary Clinton ended up winning. What led to the surprise results among Democratic candidates in the New Hampshire primary? A few experiences and sentiments in the streets of Claremont point to some answers.


Torture Taxi: Extraordinary Rendition in the Crosshairs

Back in late 2001, Swedish police had arrested Mohamed al-Zery and Ahmed Agiza as suspected terrorists and were in a hurry to deport them rather than have them claim refugee status. Lacking their own logistics of rapid deportation, the Swedes welcomed the offer from a US-based plane operator to make available a Gulfstream jet marked N379P. The plane's hooded US crew picked up its unwilling passengers and flew them to Egypt, where both were detained, interrogated and tortured.

Photo from Wikipedia

Pirates in Paradise: Reviews of Seven Books for Summer Reading

Statistics show that across the globe over one billion people stare into computer screens at internet websites each day. This means that it's now more rebellious than ever to read a book. Here are seven reasons to leave the computer screen and read about pirate governments, a rainbow gathering in Croatia, coup d'etats in hot climates, media coverage of cults in Waco and counter-revolution in Nicaragua.