Remembering Randall Robinson: Black internationalist, anti-imperialist and friend of Haiti

INTERVIEW: Randall Robinson, Third World Advocate

On March 24, Randall Robinson died at the age of 81. Robinson became a household name after the U.S.-based organization he founded in 1977, TransAfrica, spearheaded public protests against South African apartheid in front of the South African embassies in the early 1980s, helping to give voice to the international anti-apartheid movement. Black Agenda Review editors reprinted in Black Agenda Report a National Leader interview with Robinson.

Members of the Bronx Green Party joined the Bronx Anti-War Coalition on March 20 to protest against U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes and New York State Assemblyman Adrian Espaillat hosting a "services" fair that prominently featured U.S. military service branches at the Renaissance High School for Musical Theater and the Arts in the Bronx, NY / credit: Bronx Green Party / Twitter

Bronx Parents and Teachers Protest AOC Military Recruitment Fair

Dozens of Bronx public school parents, teachers, students and community activists gathered on March 20, the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, to oppose a military recruitment fair, hosted by U.S. House Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Adriano Espaillat, at Renaissance High School in the Bronx. The grassroots Bronx Anti-War Coalition organized the demonstration. Workers World newspaper reports.