
Global Warming: Looming Disasters and What Needs to Be Done

It is well-established that global warming will, among other consequences, alter rainfall patterns around the world and raise sea level substantially. Estimates are that altered rainfall will bring droughts to the US southwest, southern Europe, northern Africa, and western Australia, comparable to those that caused the devastating 1930s Dust Bowl in the United States. The rising sea level will inundate low-lying islands and continental shorelines.


Tax Solution to Wretched Greed

By now most Americans have experienced extreme disgust upon hearing about the nearly $20 billion in bonuses given to people in New York City's financial sector at the end of 2008.  After sending the nation into the current economic black hole there is no way of comprehending the audacity of financial company executives in giving themselves and their colleagues shameful rewards for abysmal and disgraceful performance.  Other than screaming and moaning about all this dishonorable behavior what should the Obama administration and Congress do?


Disarmament is the Key to Peaceful Coexistence in Europe

People in Europe, Russia and some in America are resting easier after the Kremlin's announcement, Wednesday, January 28 that they are withdrawing their threat against Poland and the United States. That threat was about placing their missiles on the northern border  of Poland in response to any further building of the U.S. Missile Defense System in Poland and the Czech Republic. Russia felt threatened by the placement of 10 Interceptor Missiles in Poland, only a few hundred miles from Russian territory to the East.