
Economic Power: Avoid Arizona and Boycott BP

Money is power. Each of us has it to varying degrees. Our challenge is to use our spending to advance worthy goals. Right now we see economic power being used against the state of Arizona because of the awful legislation recently passed that makes it all too easy for police there to seek proof of citizenship from virtually anyone they choose. Economic boycotts can be very powerful and change the world for the better. Sadly, too few Americans use their personal spending power to advance worthy goals. An immediate opportunity is for people to stop buying BP gasoline.


Why Obama Should Say One Term Is Enough

I always suspected that due to Obama's dependence on corporate money he would prove to be a big disappointment to the millions of Democrats, liberals, progressives and independents that fell for his slick rhetoric.Here are some of the main reasons that he should cut his ties to corporate and political elites, announce that he will not run for reelection and, instead, become the populist, reformist president the nation desperately needs.


From Obama to Health Care Reform: Corporate Corruption in America

Anyone smart and strong enough to fight delusional thinking and who pays attention to current events should clearly see that corporate corruption of the US political system is so pervasive and powerful that there will be no genuine reform of both the health care and financial sectors. Obama's so-called reform efforts and ludicrous federal deficit spending should disappoint all his non-delusional supporters.