
Public Option is Just Another Private Party – and We’re Not Invited

The elaborate Congressional circus whimsically referred to as 'healthcare reform' - the one that has held the nation captive since President Obama's earliest weeks in office - came complete with dancing clowns, disappearing acts and trained tigers jumping through hoops. But today the magic is gone.  The performance is degenerating. The public is beginning to understand what the political players knew all along - that this three ring circus was never meant to be more than a sideshow.


From Obama to Health Care Reform: Corporate Corruption in America

Anyone smart and strong enough to fight delusional thinking and who pays attention to current events should clearly see that corporate corruption of the US political system is so pervasive and powerful that there will be no genuine reform of both the health care and financial sectors. Obama's so-called reform efforts and ludicrous federal deficit spending should disappoint all his non-delusional supporters.


Will Halliburton Come Between You and Your Health Care?

Would Americans who don't want government coming between them and their health care prefer Halliburton play the role of the decider? One way or the other, we would all do well to pay close attention to what's going on in California right now. If the Golden State's reputation as a 'trend setter' holds true for health care, those in need of affordable health insurance could find themselves up against private contractors like Halliburton.