
West Papua’s Forgotten Asylum Seekers
For nearly half a century, Indonesia has refused to let go of the resource-rich territory of West Papua. During that time, an estimated 100,000 West Papuan independence-advocates have been killed by the Indonesian military - some just for displaying the West Papuan flag.

Soloman Islands: Popular revolt forces PM to quit
On April 25, nine days after his election as prime minister of the Solomon Islands led to rioting in the streets of the country's capital Honiara, Snyder Rini announced his resignation. He was facing an imminent no-confidence vote after six MPs defected from his government coalition to the ranks of the opposition.

Recent Trends in the Politics of Thailand: Perspectives on Thaksin Shinawatr
"Thaaaaaak .sin, GET OUT!" shouted thousands of demonstrators near the Parliament Building in Bangkok, Thailand. The scene was heated. Speakers rotated on and off the main stage in front of the crowd. Their speeches were broadcasted down Outer Rachadamnern Road while people attentively sat down to listen, observed the scene and read pamphlets about the country's new danger, Thaksin Shinawatr, the 23rd Prime Minister of Thailand.

Bhutan’s Outsiders in Limbo
The broad leaves of banana trees obscure hundreds of rows of bamboo huts set out in compact grids that reach the fringes of the forest. The intersecting pathways are neatly swept, and many huts sport fenced gardens of white and yellow roses. Outside their huts, women sit and talk while they work at their wool looms. The men play carrom, a traditional board game, or drink tea while children play or attend school. Life seems tranquil in Beldangi II Extension.

Dark Reality for Nepal’s Internally Displaced People
Threatened by an environment of increasing violence, harassment and intense political pressure from Maoists rebels and government security forces, thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes in rural Nepal, creating a staggering number of internally displaced people (IDPs).