Indigenous and Afro-Brazilian lands are under greater threat in Brazil during COVID-19
The racist discourse of the Bolsonaro government together with the COVID-19 pandemic wreak havoc on Quilombola communities in the Amazon.
The racist discourse of the Bolsonaro government together with the COVID-19 pandemic wreak havoc on Quilombola communities in the Amazon.
Left with few options in pandemic lockdown, Venezuelan migrants are braving half a continent and dangerous conditions to return home.
A lawsuit alleges Breonna Taylor died because Louisville was trying to arrest its way toward economic redevelopment.
Why Haiti should be at the center of the global movement for reparations.
The Dispossessed is a searing manifesto against the monstrous inhumanity of the US led global border regime.
Voices from grassroots resistance against a proposed train that promises to usher in major transformations in southern Mexico.
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