
Profiting From Haiti’s Crisis

Why Obama Should Say One Term Is Enough
I always suspected that due to Obama's dependence on corporate money he would prove to be a big disappointment to the millions of Democrats, liberals, progressives and independents that fell for his slick rhetoric.Here are some of the main reasons that he should cut his ties to corporate and political elites, announce that he will not run for reelection and, instead, become the populist, reformist president the nation desperately needs.

Nine Ways Our World Changed During the ’00s
Corporations get still more powerful. A middle-class living slips away from millions. Climate change becomes deadly. War, and more war. Looking back on the '00s (uh ohs) and the nine trends that changed our world. What was the decade of the '00s about? What trends showed up in the last 10 years that will set the stage for the '10s?

Obama and the Permanent War Budget
It's been a good decade for the Pentagon. The most recent numbers from Capitol Hill indicate that Pentagon spending (counting Iraq and Afghanistan) will reach over $630 billion in 2010. And that doesn't even include the billions set aside for building new military facilities and sustaining the U.S. nuclear arsenal. But even without counting the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Department of Defense budget has been moving relentlessly upward since 2001.