What Makes Bernie Speak?
For Bernie Sanders, who has served in Congress for 20 years, his December 10 "mini-filibuster" was a continuation of essentially the same speech he’s been giving since he first emerged as a Vermont third party candidate in 1971. And the Senate speech, though it resonated with many people, doesn’t appear to have changed the outcome of the pending tax deal.

Miami Rice: The Business of Disaster in Haiti
What is at stake in Haiti? What interests underlie the grab for power in the country? One answer is the large amount of aid and development dollars that are circulating. Among those benefiting handsomely from the disaster aid are U.S. corporations who have accessed U.S. government contracts.

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Looks East
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Summits are meaningful for their symbolism since all the negotiations have gone on before, and it is important to look beyond the words to what the symbols may mean as new policies.

US Government Systematically Spying on Citizens
Last week's release of 900 pages of U.S. government documents dealing with the implementation of the nation's primary surveillance law suggests that the government has been systematically violating the privacy rights of U.S. citizens.

Message to South American Left Bloc: Don’t Trust Brazil
As the Wikileaks scandal drags on a portrait is emerging of Brazil, and suffice it to say it is not too flattering. A rising power with global aspirations, Brazil has a lot more political and economic muscle than, say Venezuela or Bolivia. Yet, time and again the Lula administration takes a very meek approach toward the United States or, even worse, goes along with Washington’s geopolitical machinations.

From Europe to Outer Space: Dissecting Obama’s Missile Defense Plan
At NATO’s recent summit in Lisbon, President Obama promoted the missile defense shield that will someday cover all of Europe, including Russia. Critics of missile defense say a European shield is a ruse that’s keeping the West’s true intentions for Russia under wraps.