Decolonizing the Notion of Citizenship

A number of foreign nationals were attacked in Johannesburg, South Africa last month as part of a wave of anti-immigrant violence and sentiment in the country. This xenophobic violence has once again reminded us of the politics of citizenship and what it means to belong and not to belong in the post-colony. What we need to do now is decolonize, ideologically and practically, the colonial notion of citizenship.

Protesters in Rabat, Morocco in October, 2016 demand political reforms and an end to corruption. Photo credit: Reuters

Arresting the Protest: Widespread Crackdown on Dissent Undermines Morocco’s Social Movements

Moroccan pro-democracy activists unanimously claim that the freedom of expression won in the months following the 2011 Arab Spring protests has slowly been taken away. State repression and political detention have been an effective way to draw protesters and sympathizers of the movement away from participation. "We are now in a critical situation," explains journalist Imad Stitou. "We understand the message: it’s over with tolerance and openness.”

Nearly a century of lead mining and smelting in Kabwe, Zambia has made the town one of the most toxic in the world. Photo credit: Larry C Price/The Guardian

What Recent Struggles in Gambia and Zambia Teach us About Neo-Colonialism Today

The economic exploitation of Africa which marked centuries of foreign rule has continued past the time of many of the region’s independence struggles. Though foreign rule politically and officially ended with many nations’ independence, primarily in the decades following World War II, economic colonialism has continued throughout much of the continent – particularly where natural resources are concerned.