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Toward Freedom ‘Webcam Chat’ with Bolivian activists

For Immediate Release

For info: 802-862-4929

Burlington International Website plans ‘Webcam Chat’ with Bolivian activists is pleased to invite the public to our first ever ‘webcam chat’ with our webmaster and political activists in La Paz, Bolivia. We will meet in the studio of CCTV from 7 to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, Nov. 14, and discuss, with questions and answers through an audio and visual link, the current political situation in Bolivia with our associates at a cyber cafe in La Paz, Bolivia.  Both images will be viewed on a large monitor at the CCTV studio.  read more

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Taking Notes in Oaxaca, Mexico

"What we manage to do each time we win a victory is not so much to secure chance once and for all, but rather to create new terrains for struggle." -Angela Davis, from Abolition Democracy

Oaxaca is wide awake. While many of us seem to be in a deeply unconscious state, oblivious to the world’s realities of violence, exploitation and oppression, the people of Oaxaca are rising up. Tired of their historical suffering under policies of domination, the people have organized a liberation movement that is opening eyes around the world. The movement in Oaxaca is a current, inspiring demonstration of popular power, and although every people’s struggle must create its own path, Oaxaqueños are offering us valuable lessons about organization, solidarity, and resistance. read more

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The Weather Underground and the American Radical Legacy

From a speech given in Gainesville, Florida, August 5, 2006

Thank you all for coming out today. It’s a real treat to be back in Gainesville talking about the Weather Underground, because this is the place where my book on the group began. This is also the place where my understanding of and involvement in the U.S. radical legacy didn’t start but did take shape. So it is wonderful to be here today with people who were and are my friends and mentors, in and out of the classroom. In particular, I want to thank the Civic Media Center and all connected to it, for providing not just a space but a home for so many wonderful ideas, projects, and people. And I want to thank professor Louise Newman, whose support, encouragement, and brilliance are responsible for a lot of things for a lot of people, not least of which was the initial push for me to write this book. read more


Clandestine “Summer Reading”

"This is nice, light summer reading." I look up, smiling, at the customer who proclaimed this about one of the best-selling new releases at the bookstore where I work. This whole concept of "summer reading" has been on my mind ever since I left this job when the season began to pursue something vaguely resembling a summer vacation. Now I'm back and, with one more hot and sticky month to go, the reading masses are still in search for the perfect summer book-something nice and light.