Derailing the Engine of Liberty

The Trump crusade to end birthright citizenship isn’t a new idea. But it would create a permanent caste of aliens. It’s a crystal clear idea: citizenship and equal protection under the law for everyone born or naturalized in the United States. Beyond that, the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution also protects the rights of life, liberty, and property of all citizens.

Commentary – The Unfinished Business of the Pan African Congress

The 9th Pan African Congress: postponed or cancelled?

Many of us at Toward Freedom were disappointed to learn that the long awaited 9th Pan- African Congress, to be held in Lome,Togo on October 29 to November 2, 2024 was postponed…or cancelled. Scant information has been available to clear the air. We are pleased to publish this backgrounder written by Siphiwe Baleka who has studied the history of Pan African Congresses and was closely involved in trying to work thru some of the knots that bedeviled the planning of this Congress.  Siphiwe has been involved with many Pan African groups: the Republic of New Afrika (PGRNA), West Africa Region of the Pan African Federalist Movement (PAFM), NCOBRA to list just a few. You can reach him at: [email protected] read more


Image from Toward Freedom’s 60th anniversary celebration in Burlington, VT

Dear TF readers and supporters – 

In the aftermath of World War II, anti-colonial movements spread throughout the world giving rise to the non-aligned movement. At the end of 1952 Bill Lloyd started a newsletter to inform readers in the US about independence movements in Africa and the non-aligned movement in general.  

William B. LLoyd, Jr.
William B. LLoyd, Jr. circa 1990

Called Toward Freedom, Lloyd’s newsletter would evolve over the next 70 years into a print magazine and then a website with the mission to publish international reporting from a grassroots perspective and incisive analysis that exposed government and corporate abuses of power, while supporting movements for universal peace, justice, freedom, the environment, and human rights. read more