ACTIVISM / HUMAN RIGHTS These are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.

The Dellinger Gala: Celebrating Nonviolent Action (12/01)
"You have been a great inspiration and a wonderful teacher to many people over these long hard years of struggle. Without you, there would be less information, less initiative, and certainly less movement." — Leonard Peltier
"For the peoples all over the world struggling for freedom and dignity, you embody the honor of the many good-hearted Americans who opposed imperialist interventions in Vietnam, Central America, Angola and elsewhere, and those who are raising their voices to stop the current aggression against Afghanistan and the threat which the US-led military response to terrorism poses to the world. An eloquent spokesman for non-violence and an unflinching anti-imperialist, your warning decades ago against ‘the insanity of war’ couldn’t be more timely now." — Ricardo Alcaron de Quesada, president of the Cuban National Assembly