ACTIVISM / HUMAN RIGHTS These are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.

ACTIVISM / HUMAN RIGHTS These are articles previously published by Toward Freedom related to this category.
In the new century the peace symbol has been evident worldwide in opposition to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq. Many people felt that they were being lied to about the reasons for the war and remained unconvinced that Baghdad possessed weapons of mass destruction. On February 15, 2003, a coordinated day of antiwar protests was planned all around the world.
The pages of World War 3 Illustrated contain one of the best kept and mistakenly kept secrets of the fast-developing world of comic art here in the US. Launched in 1979 by a couple of youngsters moving from Cleveland to New York's Lower East Side, the magazine first developed mainly as a forum for resistance to the gentrification of the long-famous radical neighborhood.
Beer, like so many other products, is largely in the hands of giant corporations. Therefore, drinking beer can often enrich the same systems of power we as activists are fighting against. Fermenting Revolution: How To Drink Beer and Save the World by Christopher O'Brien is a book about how the people can take back the brew and join together in saying, "If I can't drink good beer, it's not my revolution."
Watch these testimonies from U.S. veterans who served in the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. In these videos, they give an accurate account of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground.
While the presidential primary season lurches onward with Obama and Hillary struggling to secure the Democrat nomination, progressives are finding themselves in a predicament similar to both 2000 and 2004. The question, yet again, is whether or not to hold your nose and vote for the "lesser of two evils" (or, if you will, against the Republican Party) OR vote your conscience in support of a true progressive.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019