
No Tutu is Big Enough to Cover Up Israeli War Crimes

Human rights activists from Vermont, New York and Israel interrupted a performance of the Israel Ballet at the Flynn Theater in Burlington, VT on Friday, February 19th, calling attention to the dance company's complicity in Israeli war crimes. Using two banners that read "No Tutu is Big Enough to Cover Up War Crimes" and "Sponsored by Apartheid Israel", the activists, who had purchased tickets to the show, positioned themselves in front of the stage during the opening scenes of the performance.


Voices of Participatory Democracy in Venezuela

There are many different ways that the corporate media continues to misrepresent the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Many critics of this biased media coverage have directly challenged the demonization of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, but very few critics, if any, have exposed the media's virtual erasure of the vibrant and growing participatory democracy in Venezuela.


How Obama Betrays Reverend King’s Philosophy of Nonviolence

Each year, many remember Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s work on behalf of civil rights. Yet the most fundamental piece of his philosophical legacy, his rejection of the utility and morality of violence between individuals and nations, remains at best ignorantly obscured or at worst actively suppressed. In his 1967 book, Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?, Rev. King wrote that "it is as possible and as urgent to put an end to war and violence between nations as it is to put an end to poverty and racial injustice."


Support Victims of the Earthquake in Haiti

Earthquake Destruction
Much of the coverage of Haiti you will see over the next days and weeks will inevitably edit out the struggle and history of Haiti. We will see photos and videos depicting the human suffering that has resulted, but we will not see the dignity that has fused together generations of Haitian freedom seekers, and inspired millions more beyond the bounds of that small island nation. Here's what you can do to help relieve the suffering and continue the legacy of solidarity at the same time.


The Necessity of Revolution in the USA

This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA makes two important contributions to US activist literature. It raises awareness around the neglected issue of political prisoners and state repression, and it encourages an honest dialogue and critical thinking about the effectiveness of activist strategies and tactics. Readers may not agree with everything written here, but they will certainly have their beliefs challenged.