Taking the Fight to the Ballot Box: Video Report on Wisconsin’s Recall Election Primaries
As voter Bill Schlewey said "Wisconsinites are known fighters and this is another fight we're not going to go down easy on."
As voter Bill Schlewey said "Wisconsinites are known fighters and this is another fight we're not going to go down easy on."
As uprisings around the world take place against capitalist austerity measures and anti-worker policies, the people's movement in Wisconsin struggles on.
On June 6th two journalists were arrested at the state capital in Madison, WI. I was one of them. The arrest took place while I was covering the gentle uprising against Governor Scott Walker's controversial budget repair bill.
For three years a grassroots movement for universal healthcare has been building in Vermont. On May 1, 2011 thousands rallied for health care as a human right in Montpelier, the state's capital.
The 2011 National Conference for Media Reform brought together more than 2,500 independent media makers, educators and leaders in the media reform movement.
While tens of thousands demonstrate in Madison, Wisconsin hundreds rallied in Montpelier, VT to connect the struggles that are facing working class people all over the country.
Copyright Toward Freedom 2019