At September 9th, pro-DACA rally in front of Idaho capitol building in Boise. Photo credit: Sam Mayfield

“We All Have Dreams:” Voices in Support of DACA from the Pacific Northwest

Thousands gathered in Boise, Idaho last Saturday to voice their support for DACA and protest Trump's plans to end the program. “There are so many injustices currently happening and DACA is not one of them,” Cristina, in attendance at the Boise rally, told Toward Freedom. “DACA students and DACA recipients are not criminals. They are students going to college, trying to be someone in life.”

Protesters outside of the Boise event hosting Charles Murray.

White Supremacist Charles Murray Met with Protests in Idaho as National Mobilizations Against Racism Spread

At a time when activists around the US are confronting Nazis, white supremacists, and fascists in the streets and in power, Idahoan protesters took a stand against racism in their predominantly Republican state. On Saturday, August 28, dozens of people gathered in Boise to voice their opposition to a political fundraising event hosting notorious white supremacist and sociologist Charles Murray. “His research and his so-called science is used to justify neo-Nazism and white nationalist movements,” one protester explained.

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