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A famous Chicago factory gets Occupied

Source: Salon

CHICAGO — Leah Fried had seen this movie before.

In fact, she’d appeared in it. Fried is the union representative for workers at the former Republic Windows and Doors plant, site of the 2008 factory occupation in Chicago that captured national attention and appeared in Michael Moore’s ”Capitalism, A Love Story.”

“It feels like déjà vu,” she said on Thursday night, standing at the again-occupied factory’s entrance.

She was in the same doorway she and factory workers had stood in three years earlier, when workers occupied the plant for six days demanding legally owed severance, accrued vacation time, and temporary health benefits. In 2012, the company logo on the door had changed, now reading “Serious Energy,” but the desolate industrial backdrop, the roar of passing semis, the miserable winter weather and the dramatic 1930s-era tactic of physically occupying a factory remained the same. read more


The Violence of Work: New Book Brings Work Out of the Shadows

It's 6:00 PM and you've just arrived home from work.  Stomach growling and body exhausted, you dial your favorite restaurant and order a chicken Caesar salad, delivery; at the door, you exchange pleasantries with the deliverer and pay.  The only thought you might give to those who made your meal possible is one of annoyance-the chicken is overdone, or the cook forgot the croutons. But what about the farm worker who cut and picked the lettuce your overcooked meat now lies on, despite his aching back and throbbing hands?