
Militarism Under Obama: A New Phase of the Anti-war Movement

On Saturday, March 21, 2009 the anti-war movement held its first national mobilization against U.S. militarism since the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama. Marking the sixth anniversary of the Iraq war, about 10,000 people participated in the March on the Pentagon, organized by the ANSWER Coalition. While there were radical groups in attendance that viewed Obama as being little different from Bush, Obama supporters comprised a sizeable contingent of protesters.


Anti-War Groups Unite Against Israel’s Assault on Gaza

Leading organizations and activists in the anti-war movement have issued unified condemnation of the Israeli assault on Gaza that has left more than 750 killed, including numerous children, and thousands seriously injured. While U.S. politicians have nearly unanimously endorsed Israel's assault, abstaining from a successful UN resolution demanding a ceasefire, anti-war groups have taken swift action to pressure politicians to endorse a ceasefire.


Hannah Arendt: The Trouble With Representative Government in the US

Hannah Arendt
Having good representatives in government isn't enough. In fact, if you think about it, how on earth can individuals honestly represent the interests of such large bodies of people and their vast views?  Moreover, how involved are we really? We vote, choosing candidate A or B. We have our views expressed via polls. We side with MSNBC over FOX News. Let's face it, representative government isn't all its cracked up to be.

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Why Washington Should Stop Bailing Out Corporate America

The time has come to revolt against free market fundamentalism and the way it is destroying our society. The illusion of the capitalists' "free" market has long been revealed for what it really is: a mystification of class interest. When everyday people suffer from poverty, the ruling elite say, 'there's nothing we can do. There has always been poverty, we can't prevent it.' But when an edifice of greed, corruption, and illusory wealth begins to crumble, it's a crisis of the greatest degree. Hundreds of billions of dollars later, it's clear that our government will spare no expense to prevent the wealthy from losing their yachts, luxury cars and mansions.


The Philosophy of Perpetual Revolt

"Freedom only comes through persistent revolt, through persistent agitation, through persistently rising up against the system of evil." - Martin Luther King

Nothing is inevitable, including peace and justice. In fact, history proves that exactly the opposite is the case. War and oppression is inevitable, unlessÂ…. Unless we heed the call for Perpetual Revolt; Perpetual Revolt against war and oppression.