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Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, the Revolutionary

On January 16th the vacuous lip service to Dr. Martin Luther King will begin. Ironically, much of his praise will be expressed by the kind of oppressive, rich, intolerant and prejudiced people that he fought so hard to undermine; people who now find his legacy a firm grave upon which to prop up their selfish agendas. That's why it's time for us to change the way America celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Let's relinquish the tame, PR King that the powers that be force-feed us each year. Let's resurrect the real King; the revolutionary King who committed himself to economic and social equality across all spectrums of prejudice; who unequivocally denounced warfare; repudiated neo-liberalism and an unrestrained, capricious capitalism.

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Remembering the Humanism of Martin Luther King

Today it's fashionable to recall Martin Luther King Jr. as a civil rights hero and passionate reverend. But sadly, amidst his legacy the entirety of his intellectual prowess and vast philosophical wisdom often goes unrecognized. Particularly troubling, King has become a tool for a variety of causes wrongly associated with him, including the attack on the separation of church and state.