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Review: The Mediterranean Cauldron (3/98)

World wars, the advance of empires, and resistance to encroaching invaders have often centered on the Mediterranean Sea or taken place near its shores. Called the "cradle of civilization," it’s 10 times the size of the five Great Lakes of North America, with winter storms as horrendous as any on the Atlantic, Pacific, or Indian Oceans. Today, however, it’s also a cauldron of human conflict. And a majority of those who suffer are historically the most wretched of the Earth: women and their children. read more

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Messing With Our Minds (5/98)

A quiet but brutal war is being waged on the victims of child abuse, including sexual and even ritual abuse. The battlefields include academia, the courts, professional groups, and society in general. In some cases, the aggressors are the same people accused of perpetuating the violence. They’ve banded together, forming networks and support groups, most notably the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF), which discounts recollections of abuse recovered in later years, making survivors look like complainers and trauma therapists sound like quacks. read more