Nukes on the Screen: Seven Decades of Atomic Danger
Numerous films, some of them based on novels, feature nuclear war, its potential impacts and the extreme threat these weapons pose.
Numerous films, some of them based on novels, feature nuclear war, its potential impacts and the extreme threat these weapons pose.
Having a military presence on the island, or at least leverage with whatever regime emerges, can help to sustain political pressure on other countries nearby, while providing a base to step in as part of any regional military operation deemed necessary in the future.
How exactly did the Trumps, the Russians and their international co-conspirators mess with American minds to seize power? In several recent books, deeper answers gradually emerge. But some of the revelations are so unsettling it helps at times to escape into fiction. Here are some recommended readings to help cut through the fog of info-war.
Long before Donald Trump’s malignant narcissism plunged the United States and the world into a hall of mirrors, thought leaders like Christopher Lasch warned about an emerging psychic assault on humanity and a breakdown of culture.
About a century ago the Western world entered an age of artificial substitutes, technical ingenuity, mechanical products, technological values, and accelerating motion. The watchword of that age was objectivity – a highly illusive standard for both leaders and the led. In particular, the notion of objectivity deeply affected the emerging mass communications industry, which before long was serving as one of the most powerful tools of global social management.
Many far right groups continue to believe in some sort of conspiracy aimed at destroying their "way of life." Specifically, they remain united by a fanatical fortress mentality and the belief that their rights as individuals are under attack. Taken together, these threads provided a template for the Tea Party and Trump-ism.
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