In South Africa, Trump Embraces a Global Neo-Nazi Myth
White South Africans are 8 percent of the country's population and hold 70 percent of its arable land. Apparently that's not enough for a global chorus of white supremacists.
White South Africans are 8 percent of the country's population and hold 70 percent of its arable land. Apparently that's not enough for a global chorus of white supremacists.
Kenya’s ill-advised incursion into Somalia on Oct. 16 after a rash of kidnappings in the tourist paradise of Lamu will most likely lead to a long and expensive quagmire.
Source: Foreign Policy in Focus
Over a year after the scourge of piracy escalated in the Gulf of Aden, the world is still mired in misguided and misdirected militarist policies. Meanwhile, millions of Somalis are caught in desperate circumstances. One-third of the country is on the run. Thousands choose to make the horrendous trek to Kenya where they face relatively safe, yet empty lives in refugee camps. At the African Union summit last month, diplomats lamented that even though Somalia was a major security threat, it didn’t get anywhere near the attention that Afghanistan received.
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