Indy Media Rising

The October 2000 Vermont Independent Media Conference

The Independent Media Convergence Project (IMCP) was launched last summer not only to stage the October 2000 media conference but also to promote alternatives, create a network and/or coalition, and possibly launch a sustainable, new enterprise in New England. In the coming months, steps will be taken to create a more formal organization, with the support of Toward Freedom, and input from conference sponsors and others. We don’t know yet whether a follow up conference will be held. But obviously, other groups will be organizing. Plans are underway for a national gathering in San Francisco in April 2000, as well as a continental IMC meeting.

In the meantime, we are distributing a project network list, including information on many people who attended the conference. For a copy, send $2 to TF, PO Box 468, Burlington, VT 05402. If you want to add your name, please write, including an address, phone number, e-mail, main organizational affiliation, website if any, and permission to distribute. If you only want some of the above distributed, that’s fine. Creating and distributing the list is one small step toward creating a media coalition that supports social change.

Once the conference has been fully assessed, we’ll solicit your help in developing a more effective movement for media democracy. In the meantime, let us know what you are doing by e-mail, letter, or phone at (802) 654-8024. Tax- deductible contributions are also welcome.

Getting Involved 

Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Find out more at the following websites:,, and

Although each IMC has its own mission statement, many are modeled after the Seattle IMC. At this point, there is no overarching statement for all IMCs or the indymedia network. However, the mission statement of the Seattle IMC says, "The Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as a tool for promoting social and economic justice. It is our goal to further the self-determination of people under-represented in media production and content, and to illuminate and analyze local and global issues that impact ecosystems, communities and individuals. We seek to generate alternatives to the biases inherent in the corporate media controlled by profit, and to identify and create positive models for a sustainable and equitable society.

Connecting Online 

The IndyConvergence egroup list ([email protected]) was created to help with conference organizing and outreach. From here on, we hope to make it a forum for the discussion of ideas generated by the project. Please feel free to post thoughts and comments. As time permits, we’ll attempt to help focus discussions and provide updates from the project. To subscribe, send an e-mail to [email protected]. 

Highlights from the October 2000 VT Conference