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Indigenous Recipe Tackles Diabetes With a Return to Desert Foods

Source: Yes Magazine

The Desert Rain Café brightened a space in a small shopping complex, drawing dozens of curious ­customers who filled patio tables by noon. Its menu, local by design, featured ingredients from the café’s own farm: desert squash enchiladas, mesquite-flour muffins, hummus made from tepary beans. The café recently extended its hours to take advantage of its booming business. read more


Video Interview: Dan Berger on Political Prisoners in the United States

Dan Berger
This new interview with author/activist Dan Berger was conducted in the Winter of 2009. The interview is mostly based on Berger's essay "The Real Dragons: A Brief History of Political Militancy and Incarceration: 1960s to 2000s," which is featured in the book Let Freedom Ring: A Collection of Documents from the Movements to Free U.S. Political Prisoners (PM Press, 2008).

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Honduras: Anti-Coup Resistance Movement “Firmly United”

Source: IPS News

(IPS) – The National Resistance Front Against the Coup d’Etat (FRN) in Honduras is carrying out a nationwide consultation among its members to establish its position with respect to the expected talks between ousted President Manuel Zelaya and the de facto government, the movement’s leaders said.

Although face to face talks between Zelaya and de facto President Roberto Micheletti have been ruled out for now, a dialogue to come up with a solution to the political crisis will begin next week, John Biehl, an adviser to Organisation of American States (OAS) secretary general José Miguel Insulza, said Friday. read more


Israel’s Territorial Domination in the West Bank

Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied territories of Palestine is about more than constructing houses for Jewish settlers. Palestinian farmland is being turned into industrial space and illegal outposts on Palestinian land are protected by Israeli military. Roads, if Palestinians are allowed to drive on them, are often blocked without warning. In this video, Sam Mayfield tours Illegal settlements and outposts in the West Bank with Dror Etkes.