Month: July 2008

Inside Africa’s PlayStation War

Israeli-Hamas Truce: Bold Steps for Gaza
The truce between the Israeli government and the Hamas-led authorities of the Gaza strip began on June 19. There are many in Israel, in Gaza, and in the Fatah-led West Bank who believe that the truce will be short lived and will not change the deep divisions among Palestinians and between Palestinians and Israelis. The truce is fragile in an area where only a few sparks are needed to start a blaze.

Call for Solidarity with Counter-G8 Protesters in Japan
Activists and organizers are asking local groups and individuals to call, e-mail, visit and protest at Japanese embassies over the unjust arrests, detentions, deportations, and repression occurring around counter-G8 mobilization in Japan. Japanese police continue to escalate repression against protesters of the Group of 8 Summit. This is part of a growing trend of the suppression of human rights in Japan.

The Fight For Ethnic Reconciliation and Peace in Kosovo

Nonviolent Action & the Road to Independence
Each year, as fireworks celebrate the Declaration of Independence and people discuss how the