
I Want My Community TV: Public Access Television Faces Threats

Imagine you know a thief is going to pilfer your television in the middle of the night? Most likely, you would take action to stop it - lock your doors, hide your TV, or in one last ditch effort for revenge, at least hide your remote. Imagine you knew that in the broadest of daylight, corporations and government were going to pinch not your television, but the only TV channels that give you, the citizen, a voice and a hand in local programming? Well grab your bat, because there's someone at your door.


Hungary: The Radical Right and the Neo-Liberalist State

It's no longer raining in Budapest. Although the clouds of commotion which hung over the October 23rd anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution should have dissipated along with the official end to the ceremonies, they still hang heavy over the capital. Indeed, Friday, October 26th saw a new round of disturbances as groups of protesters blockaded traffic on two major bridges in the capital as well as on a major street. Still, all things considered, the anniversary commemorating the Hungarian Revolution passed off in a relatively peaceful manner this year.

"Nationalized" Bolivian Gas Plant

Latin America’s New Petro-Politics

"Nationalized" Bolivian Gas Plant
In his 2006 State of the Union address, President Bush famously stated that "America is addicted to oil." He soon followed that proclamation with an announcement that his solution to the addiction is to diversify U.S. sources of oil - not to diversify away from oil with clean, renewable sources of energy.  That is sure to mean increased U.S. political attention to Latin America. Oil multinationals are already looking to intensify drilling operations in Latin America, because that's where the oil is.