At work in the radio

From a Jail to a Community Radio Station: Revolution in Venezuela Made Tangible

The neighborhood of El 23 de Enero is like many improvised neighborhoods in Caracas clinging to the hillsides of the city; multi-colored apartments made of brick and cement were stacked on top of each other forming labyrinth-like alleyways and streets. One of many barrios in Caracas, the community was self-assembled by immigrants from the countryside, most of whom began by squatting land on the hills outside the center of the city, and assembling houses next to and on top of each other.

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IRAQ: Law to allow Big Oil takeover

Green Left Weekly 

"We need to change the way we run the oil sector in Iraq. We need to engage with the major oil companies who will bring in investment as well as technology", Barham Saleh, deputy PM in Washington’s puppet Iraqi government, told journalists on the sidelines of a September 10 US-led International Compact for Iraq conference in the United Arab Emirates.

Associated Press reported "Saleh said Iraqi leaders were nearing agreement on a long-awaited hydrocarbon law that would allow potentially huge investments by foreign companies in Iraq’s oil sector", which was nationalised in 1972 and is currently administered by the oil ministry and two state-owned oil companies. read more


The War on Truth

President George W. Bush has long preferred illusion to reality. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda," Bush explained of his approach at a public forum in 2005. For Bush, there are no real problems, only political problems. The only crises are when poll numbers fall.

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